7 Reasons Why The Rearranging Of Fox's Marvel Release Dates Is A Good Thing

1. MCU Creatives Get A Chance To Help Out

x men dark phoenix
Anthony Devlin/PA Archive

Without a doubt, the greatest part of the push-backs of some of these release dates is the way in which it coincides with the finalization of the Disney/Fox deal. Specifically, with New Mutants and Gambit both delayed until 2019, there's all the more chance for creatives from Marvel Studios to get involved, in some capacity.

Even prior to any official confirmation of the Disney/Fox deal, rumors were swirling that Marvel Studios boss, Kevin Feige, was dying to get his hands on Fox's X-men characters, so as to include them in the impending Phase 4 of the MCU. Inside sources at the time, as reported by Deadline, appeared to confirm that Feige was ultimately one of the driving factors in the deal itself.

Once the deal is official, Feige is sure to want to step in as overseer of these films as soon as possible, and begin the process of ushering them under the Marvel Studios banner. Considering that Feige's role with the MCU has lead to an unbelievable seventeen film streak of success, the Fox films would be lucky to have him on.

Obviously, films like Deadpool 2 and Dark Phoenix are already too far along for this to play much of a role, but the reshoots of New Mutants and principal photography on Gambit could certainly see Kevin Feige playing a crucial role.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.