7 Reasons The Wolf Of Wall Street Makes Us Bow Down To Scorsese

3. The American Dream

As previously mentioned, this is a film with characters that simply cannot have enough. They lust for dirtier orgies, harder drugs, and more money, and probably would still hunger for more if they had every dollar in the universe. That desire for more and more builds and builds on top of itself keeping you constantly wondering what sordid antics are characters can get in next. And due to the rip-roaring speed that the film flies through its rises, the audience too becomes consumed with fascination from things they would otherwise never indulge in. I€™m not saying after writing this review I€™m going to go pop some Quaaludes, but even for those staunchly opposed to drugs or rampant sex or getting rich, it€™s impossible not to become absolutely immersed into everything transpiring on-screen. The atmosphere and tone are just perfectly on-point causing you to cheer on the insanity gleefully. An upbeat soundtrack full of Rock and Roll, Ferraris, eccentric fashion sense, and more also completely suck you in the late 80€™s/ early 90's.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.