7 Reasons The Wolf Of Wall Street Makes Us Bow Down To Scorsese

2. It€™s Not Just A Black Comedy

Up until now I€™ve only really only discussed the chaotic whirlwind of fun the film presents itself as €“ which is true for the first 2 hours- but there is a serious shift in tone when the FBI finally starts knocking on Jordan€™s livelihood. It€™s not necessarily a spoiler either as anyone seeing the film will undoubtedly expect some sort of antagonistic force, so don€™t worry too much. Just be prepared for a 3rd act that is totally dark and fearlessly goes places you weren€™t expecting. Most importantly, it€™s a glance that gradually escalates into an epiphany that we, the audience, are rooting for a total sociopath and probably shouldn€™t be. At least I hope many people aren€™t idolizing Jordan towards the end where some truly heinous stuff goes down. The 3rd act is essentially that moment where your feet are swept from under the rug, leaving on your buttocks conflicted on who or what you should be rooting for. The moment is so obvious, that every moviegoer will know absolutely what I€™m talking about and be left squirming in their seat, uncomfortable at what their watching. The movie is so riveting and engaging with such amazing acting that you become even more compelled. This isn€™t just a movie chronicling Jordan€™s status as a fraudulent millionaire who€™s constantly in ridiculous situations; it€™s a very truthful look into a despicable man€™s life that just so happens to be hilarious until things get dangerous.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.