Insurrection isnt all that bad, to be honest. The problem is that its just so freakin' boring. Star Trek has an enormous universe from which to take inspiration from, so theres no excuse for such a drag of a movie. The story isnt that much of a problem as the pacing. Almost all the events that transpire during the course of the feature feel lethargic. Its painfully slow and takes away from the adventurous nature of the titular series. One would expect things to happen at least moderately fast, concerning the pedigree that Star Trek has. Nope. The story is based on the plight of a race of immortals that have banned the use of technology in favour of living a peaceful, prosperous life. The problem may lie in the fact that, for the most of the time, the movie feels like a fairytale. More so than usually, that is. When the action finally gets going (take that with a grain of salt), the viewer doesnt feel invested enough despite the fact that the fate of an entire planet depends on what might happen next.