7 Star Wars Scenes Deleted For The Dumbest Reasons

3. "Pacing" Led To Captain Phasma's More Fascinating Death Being Chopped - Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi Deleted Scene

Without doubt one of the most criminally wasted characters in Star Wars history, Gwendoline Christie's Captain Phasma was killed off in a rather underwhelming way in Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi.

After a forgettable showdown with old enemy/traitor Finn - except for that infamous "Chrome Dome" quip - Phasma is just left to fall to her death. And that's it, really.

There was actually another version of this scene that contained a much more fascinating final few moments for Phasma, though.

That deleted death scene would have seen Phasma and her troops surround Finn after he'd damaged her helmet. From here, the former stormtrooper reveals to his one-time allies that Phasma shut down Starkiller Base's shields after he put a gun to her head.

And it's a line that led to those stormtroopers around her seemingly thinking about turning on their captain before Phasma mercilessly shoots the First Order witnesses.

Finn then slices her hand off and blasts the Captain through the chest with a blaster.

It's unquestionably a stronger and more compelling end for the sequel trilogy antagonist than what viewers got in the end. And why was this stupidly deleted from the runtime? Director Rian Johnson said "pacing" was the reason (via Esquire/EW).

You really couldn't have cut a few minutes from that polarising Canto Bight sequence and given them to this wonderful death scene instead?

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