7 Star Wars Scenes Deleted For The Dumbest Reasons

2. George Lucas' No Paper In Space Rule Led To More Wampas Being Deleted - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi Deleted Scene

Another C-3PO moment that didn't make the cut for what some assume is a pretty dumb reason, it's time to talk about some of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back's deleted scenes.

Said moments would have gone down on Hoth early in the film, with the plan originally being to have a number of other wampas attack Echo Base in the time before The Empire showed up on the frosty planet.

When the baddies did arrive, C-3PO would have then opted to rip off a paper warning sign on a door which would lead to a snowtrooper being attacked by one of the furry monsters.

Seems like a fun enough moment in the middle of all the chaos. So, why was it chopped out of the original trilogy movie?

Well, some fans within the Star Wars community have hilariously theorised that George Lucas' silly need to make sure no paper showed up in his galaxy far, far away led to the deleting of Threepio's comical sign tear (via Reddit). 

And it definitely feels like something the person who also demanded there be no glasses (or underwear!) in space would do.

Another, less ridiculous reason for the wampas' attack and C-3PO's eventual hero moment being erased was due to the "unsatisfactory creature effects" on show, with the team clearly not being happy with the version of the wampas they could create at the time. 

Anthony Daniels himself would even chime in by noting (via Digital Spy/Star Wars Insider) how "THE MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING had found that a gang of wampas is not cheap to have around."

These wampas being a little too expensive isn't as dumb a reason to delete a scene as no paper in space, at least

After deciding not to go with those less-than-impressive original wampa suits, the team went for a hand puppet monster in the original version of the film before finally unleashing a more mobile and frightening ILM-created suit in the 1997 Special Edition release.

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