7 Stupid Retcons That Ruined Famous Movie Franchises

3. Midi-Chlorians - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

The Force needed no explanation. The Force was brilliant because it defied explanation; the mystery is what gave it its timeless power. Which is to say, the idea behind The Force was perfect already... and then George Lucas decided to introduce a little idea known as "Midi-Chlorians" in The Phantom Menance for no other reason than: "Uh, might as well." It's the very definition of a pointless retcon that made no sense at all, given the circumstances: nobody asked to know what, exactly, made The Force tick. The concept thrived because it was vague and enigmatic. As soon as you try to explain it by way of "microscopic lifeforms" (which is what Lucas ddi), then you've automatically lost. Sometimes less is more, and this particular retcon only succeeded in ruining part of the core mythology associated with Star Wars. What's worse, it can't really be taken back; it's too late, and The Force will forever be tarnished by this dumb inclusion. And don't even get us started on Darth Vader building C-3PO - that's a retcon too painful to even consider!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.