7 Things Fans Demand From Loki TV Show
3. Play With Gender
Lady Loki is a crucial part of Loki’s canon for many fans, but it leaves Disney in a bit of a quandary. The biggest selling point of the show will be Tom Hiddleston’s involvement. Because of this, it’s unlikely we’ll see Lady Loki at all.
They can’t recast their biggest asset, and Lady Loki is not just a man in drag. She’s not transgender by our cultural definition - transcending gender rather than transitioning between blurred lines - and even if she was, though cisgender men in makeup and dresses have played transwomen before, portrayals are thankfully moving away from such stereotype-enforcing depictions.
The best chance of Lady Loki appearing would probably be a Doctor Who style regeneration, but that’s only likely to happen if the show wants to renew but Hiddlestone has other commitments. Seeing as the show’s only just been announced, that seems several steps further than we need to think about right now.
Still, it would be great to see the show page homage to this hugely important part of Loki’s lore. Supergirl recently cast trans actress Nicole Maines to play Nia Nal. Could Disney be brave enough to follow suit with a supporting character of their own?