7 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About College

4. Only Uptight Bookworms Attend Class

Van Wilder
Columbia Pictures

Attending classes, believe it or not, is a pretty significant part of your college career. Going to class doesn't make you a nerd, or uptight, or incapable of partying. You can still have a good time and get an education. It's called planning, and those who want the "full" college experience - which also involves that dastardly L word: 'learning' - know how to make the most of their time.

College may not be the first step toward adulthood, but it might be the most crucial. Because that's where you learn to structure your day like a responsible human and are almost entirely accountable for your own actions.

You don't just go to class because it's something you have to do, as was the case in primary school. You go because you're paying for it, and when you do the math, every missed lecture starts popping up with a red flag and a big dollar sign next to it.

So yeah, you might initially feel like a "bookworm" or "nerd" for missing out on a party to ensure you can make it to your 7:00 am lecture...until you realize the people who are constantly too hungover to go to class are in danger of flunking.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.