7 Things We Want To See In The Future Deadpool Sequels

6. His Membership In X-Force

Deadpool doesn€™t traditionally play too well with others, in fact he€™s been rejected from the main X-Men team on several occasions for being too much of an insufferable prick. It also probably didn€™t help when he dragon punched Kitty Pride once just to annoy Wolverine. One of few the times he has actually, legitimately, been an invaluable part of team however was when he joined X-Force, the small band of special ops mutants led by Wolverine in the Uncanny X-Force series. Teaming up Logan, Psylocke, Archangel and Fantomex the team took on the sort of shady wet work that the X-Men could never get their hands dirty with, such as killing the infant reincarnation of Apocalypse before he can grow into a monster. The storylines in X-Force are heavier than Deadpool€™s usual fare, but our favourite degenerate does provide some dark levity. Having Deadpool team up with some lesser known mutants to do some dirty work would not only open up Fox€™s shared mutant universe, but it could also give them a movie to challenge Suicide Squad.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.