7 Unnecessarily Complicated Movie Plots That Had Simple Solutions

2. Back To The Future Part II (1986)

back_to_the_future_part_iiThe Complicated Plot:Back To The Future Part II begins with crazy scientist Doc Emmett L. Brown returning from a vacation in the future to warn his teenage best friend, Marty McFly, that something terrible is destined to happen to his kids.It turns out, of course, that a singular misjudged act on behalf of Marty's future son, Martin Jr., will result in an untimely prison sentence. Doc explains that Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer (read: future wife) must travel to 2015 to prevent this mistake from ever happening, which they do. Good thing Doc was around to prevent all that bad stuff from happening, huh? The Incredibly Simple Solution: Movie-goers could certainly be forgiven for thinking that Doc Brown is doing his ol' friend a mighty favour by returning from the future to warn him that his life is going to pretty much suck, but the simple fact is: the entire plot thread is a complete and utter waste of time on behalf of everyone that's involved, and one that could have been easily solved with a few carefully chosen words. The fact that Doc, the greatest genius who ever lived, decided that going into the future to solve a problem that will ultimately occur in the future is incredibly dumb. Think about it: Doc Brown comes back from 2015 to explain to Marty and Jennifer that they need to fix a problem that hasn't even happened yet. Going by the time travel "rules" set up in the Back To The Future movies, future events can be altered via the past - the whole first movie was all about that, remember? That's to say, if you change something in the past, things will be different in the future. But what's the point in changing something in the future if you plan to live in the present? You€™ll only have to repeat the process again when you catch up to it, because anything you changed hasn€™t happened yet €“ only past events can alter the future. Instead of going to the future and risk destroying the fabric of the space time continuum Doc needed only to return from 2015, pull Marty aside and whisper: "No need to worry right this second, 'cause I know you're going up to the lake this weekend. But when you get back, I just need to talk about some stuff I saw in your future which, if I talk to you about now, you can make sure you avoid when the events naturally present themselves." All Doc had to do was inform Marty about what was going to happen, and telling him that alone would have been enough to change the dark events of his future, and thus would have marked the end of the entire Back to the Future story before any of the complicated alternative 1985 or wild west adventures had a chance to happen. Yes, I'm available for parties and Bar Mitzvahs.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.