7 Unnecessarily Complicated Movie Plots That Had Simple Solutions

1. The Harry Potter Series (2001-2011)

Time-TurnerHarryHermioneThe Complicated Plot: The entire plot of the entire Harry Potter series hinges on the boy wizard's ultimate destiny: he must, one again, face up against the evil Lord Voldemort, who threatens to enslave Wizardkind (and eventually mankind) for good. Along the way, many of Harry's friends and mentors are murdered horribly. Hell, before he's even a year old, Harry Potter's parents are murdered horribly. There is a lot of murdering, is what I'm saying, for a collection of children's books. Anyway, the story spans eight incredibly long and fairly complex movies. The Incredibly Simple Solution: Perhaps without truly considering the implications of her actions, J.K. Rowling decided to include a time travel plot in the third book/movie, The Prisoner of Azkaban, which resulted in a seemingly endless barrage of missed opportunities for the rest of the series, in the sense that her characters are all made to look incredibly dumb. That's because, in Harry Potter world, there exists a working time travel device, by which you can actually time travel at a whim. Hermione Granger uses this thing, nicknamed the "Time Turner," to attend extra lessons (nerd), though it's later used to change alter future events. You simply turn it upside down, and for every turn, you go back in time an hour. It genuinely could not be more simple. So why the heck does nobody ever think to use this invaluable object ever again? You know, when Harry's Godfather dies, or when Dumbledore is murdered by Snape, or when Voldemort decides to take human form again? I mean, Dumbledore knows that this thing exists, because he's giving it out for extracurricular activities: it could have definitely been used to fix every single problem that faces Harry Potter from that point onwards. According to my research (read: Google search), the entire "stock" of Time Turners got destroyed during the Battle of the Ministry in Harry's fifth year, but if there's a stock of them, surely they can be replicated? If not, it's not explained why they aren't used to prevent all the horrific catastrophes up 'til that point. I mean, if I lived in this world, I'd be the first one to say, "Well, don't worry about our dead friends, we've got time travel - let's fix this!" Granted, I'd also have spent far more time trying to hook up with Hermione. Why is nobody doing that? Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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