7 Upcoming Movies Potentially Ruined By A Single Shot In The Trailer

2. Those Stretch Powers - Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four director Josh Trank (best known for his superhero found footage flick Chronicle) has spoken out on a few occasions in recent months regarding his decision to reboot the Fantastic Four as a "hard sci-fi" movie instead of a fully-fledged superhero flick; a controversial notion, given the potentially fun and wacky nature of the series. If there's one shot inherent to the final Fantastic Four trailer that really throws off this idea, though, it's the one that briefly hones in on Reed Richards (as played by Miles Teller) as he unleashes his new powers - his infamous ability to stretch. In the context of a comic book (and indeed, those godawful and very broad Fantastic Four movies featuring Jessica Alba and Chris Evans), Reed's powers made sense, but seeing them in the context of a serious movie... well, they look a tad out of place, to be perfectly honest - a notion worsened by some pretty shoddy looking CGI. All things considered, this shot doesn't do much to ease any fears that audiences might have concerning a Fantastic Four movie built from harder sci-fi themes. In such a serious movie, isn't a "stretchy man" going to seem a little... well, silly?
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.