7 Ups & 4 Downs From Russell Crowe's Unhinged

2. Gabriel Bateman's Performance

Unhinged Gabriel Bateman
Solstice Studios

Young Gabriel Bateman has already shown off his chops in The Conjuring's spin off Annabelle, Lights Out and the slightly wonky Child's Play remake. In the latter, he was sometimes comedically over-emotional, but that wasn't the case in Unhinged. Instead of going all 'boo hoo' or 'woe is me', he came across as a kid who's mature for his age.

As Kyle, Bateman's dialogue was innocent enough to believably sell that he'd rather play Fortnite than go to school without diving too far into irritating little kid tropes. He didn't whine at his mother like some spoiled brat, and he didn't overact even when sharing the screen with Crowe.

This could be considered a breakout performance.

Whilst it'd be untrue to say Bateman stole any scene he was in, that seemed to be the point. His character was a regular kid caught up in a nightmarish scenario he had no control over, and wasn't supposed to be the star of the show.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.