7 Ups And 9 Downs From San Andreas

8. Overly Sexualised Female Characters

Just like pretty much any other big-budget movie ever made, San Andreas has been created on the belief by Warner Bros. that people won't go to see it unless it features sexy characters, because apparently enormous human peril just isn't enough to sell a movie ticket. Studios are, of course, totally wrong, but that didn't stop them from throwing in a ton of overly sexualised female characters here. Firstly, there's Alexandra Daddario's Blake, who spends pretty much the entire movie wearing tight, low-cut tops which emphasise her rather generous chest, while director Peyton expertly selects shots which give her cleavage as much screen time as possible. Once she gets soaking wet in the third act, it becomes something else entirely. Carla Gugino doesn't fare a whole lot better, either: an escape scene early in the movie is difficult to concentrate on because the camera lingers on her cleavage so much, and hell, even Paul Giamatti's minor female intern character wears a plunging neckline, while the news reporter who visits Giamatti gives the camera a decent chest jiggle at one point. Now, in fairness, it could be a lot worse: the movie's two prominent female characters are shown to be relatively smart and resourceful despite ultimately being rescued by the giant man-mountain that is The Rock, but even so, do studios need to pander quite so blatantly to hormonal 14-year-old boys? It's kinda embarrassing.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.