7 Ways Deadpool 2 Sets Up Future Sequels

5. The X Force We Might Have

Deadpool 3
20th Century Fox

The mix-and-match nature of the X Force is especially pertinent when considering The New Mutants coming in August next year, as there’s some possibility we’ll see a cross over from the fresh meat X-Men will be dropping on screens. Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Magik, Maisie Williams as Wolfsbane, and Charlie Heaton as Cannonball: mainstayers of the X Force comic series and likely features in later Deadpool universe instalments.

The New Mutants serves as the first entry into a horror spinoff for the X-Men franchise, set in an asylum that sees five young mutants just discovering their powers and using them to escape their confinements. Whilst following the more serious vein of the X-Men universe, the potential for crossover is very high considering these are the very mutants at the forefront of the comics. It'd be great to see the different sides to the actors in two very different films and settings too - much like Wolverine as a shoehorned cameo at the end of Deadpool 2.

As a round up then, already accounted for are Deadpool himself, Domino, and Cable; what with the unfortunate deaths of Shatterstar, Zeitgeist, The Vanisher, and Bedlam on the flight mission. There's also Negasonic and her girlfriend Yukio, and of course, Colossus.

Reliable normie Peter was rescued in the post-credits scene, and if Dopinder's heroic moment is anything to go by, we'll hopefully see more from the pair putting the ordinary in extraordinary. God loves a trier. That leaves plenty of room for some newbies, and more than likely a few more deaths, which brings me on to the next point...


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.