7 Ways Movie Theaters Can Be More Exciting

7. Host More Q&A Sessions With Filmmakers


Living here in Nashville, my favorite theater is undoubtedly a place called the Belcourt. The reason? They don€™t just show movies, they host discussions about them. One of my favorites is when they host Q&A sessions with either the filmmakers or the actors. It€™s a simple concept that could potentially be used for more than just the art house theaters.

Sometimes, the filmmakers are there in person but many times, they host Skype sessions. Although it would require more time on the filmmakers part, it could dramatically boost attendance for their film. Even if you weren€™t terribly excited about Tim Burton€™s latest movie, you would be far more interested if you knew he would be answering audience questions after the screening. It connects the regular moviegoers with the people making the films which encourages the audience to attend more screenings. It feels like more of an event than just a ho-hum Friday night out.

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Ryan Estabrooks is a film writer/director and photographer. When he is not busy solving mysteries, he can be found working on his feature length film. You can view all of his work at the imaginatively-titled RyanEstabrooks.com