7 Ways To Defeat Diana Walter In Lights Out

3. Passing Her On To Someone Else

Diana  Lights Out
Warner Bros.

The methods we have spoken about so far are not exactly appealing to those of you who may be pacifists and far too lazy to run, which had me thinking: what is the real reason for Diana being tethered to Sophie?

Since she was isolated from such a young age, Diana craved attention, especially from kids her own age. So when Sophie showed up and gave her this attention, she became obsessed. Diana finally felt needed. And this is why she decided to rob Sophie of her mental faculties so she could continue to feel this way.

Luckily for us, there are a whole bunch of people out there who will do absolutely anything to have the affection of a woman who the monster could be passed onto. But that's just one aspect of the plan, as you'd also have to convince Diana that the family member she is tethered to is, well... incredibly boring. You'd need to be a pretty good salesman to pass Diana onto someone else.

Whether you'd prefer to talk up the new victim, or describe your relative in unflattering terms, all that matters is that you convince the shadow queen to move on.


If successful you'd be responsible for both your own survival, and that of your family member, which is pretty heroic if I do say so myself.


You will most definitely be dooming someone else to the same fate as your family member, but unlike It Follows, this would have been done with consent.

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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.