7 Ways To Defeat Diana Walter In Lights Out

2. Flying Off Into The Sunset

Diana  Lights Out
Warner Bros.

We've already played with the concept of using the sun against Diana, but found that our method of vacationing in Norway was temporary at best. Regardless of where you go in the world, the sun will always rise and fall eventually, right? Well, we need to remember that although we see the sun as something that rises and falls, it only appears this way because the Earth is revolving around it. So is there possibly some way to fly off into the sunset and live happily ever after like Disney has taught us?

Travelling along the longitudinal lines of the Earth and essentially following the sun appears to be a sound strategy, but math doesn't seem to be on our side here. You see, if you find yourself on the equator you'll have to travel at around 1668 kilometers per hour just to keep up with the sun. Since the average commercial airliner flies at a maximum of 930 kilometers per hour, this seems to be quite impossible. You'd also need to set time aside for refueling, and time is the one thing that's against you.

That being said, moving away from the equator and travelling around the point of the Earth that's tipping towards the sun will decrease the speed needed, making this a possibility.


You'll be both safe and travelling in style.


Not only is this the most expensive method available, making it the least practical, it will also leave you feeling constantly jetlagged. And believe me, nobody wants that.

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Lights Out
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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.