8 Actors Who Spoiled The Endings To Their Own Work

7. Sylvester Stallone Probably Spoiled His New Rocky Spinoff

Fast forward to the year 2015, a time when every minute detail of a movie is dissected before it's even released in theaters and promotion for the film starts from the moment the basic idea is conceived. Sylvester Stallone was so excited to be in the midst of writing the screenplay for the upcoming Rocky spinoff, Creed, that he giddily took to Twitter to showcase his work-in-progress. The tweet says, simply, "Where the screenwriting is done," underneath a picture of a notepad, his notepad, and... the final page of the script? Yes, even though the typed page is upside down and slightly covered with his glasses, it's plain to see everything that happens in the final minutes of Creed sitting right there on the page. To be fair, everyone should have just left the tweet alone and not went sleuthing too far into its contents. But this is the age we live in now: we go looking for spoilers.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.