Because it worked for Star Trek and X-Men, the next Terminator movie, instead of not existing (which is preferable), is going to go back to the original movies and use time-travel to reboot the franchise as an off-shoot of the accepted continuity. While that sounds par for the course with a series that switches up its purpose with each new film, it looks like this is going to be more Salvation than Judgement Day. The recently released trailer shows a desire to invoke the iconography of the two James Cameron-directed (and only good) entries, with the same L.A. locations and purple-lasered future. However, there's one thing that lets all that down - Kyle Reese isn't Kyle Reese. Jai Courtney seems fine as a future soldier, but appears to lack any of the humanity Michael Biehn brought to the character back in 1984. This is a man who travels back in time in some long-shot show of love. The man shown in the trailer, however, is a personality-less solider to serve as the viewers "in" to the action. It doesn't help that audiences have already seen Reese perfectly recast on screen once already, with Anton Yelchin perfectly embodying Biehn's character in the otherwise lacklustre Terminator Salvation. The casting of Terminator Genisys is painfully obvious in its logic - hire a bunch of people who've been in things that are popular; the kooky one in Doctor Who, the nude one in Game Of Thrones, the guy who looks a bit like the guy in The Walking Dead. Why they then went for the guy from the worst Die Hard is just bizarre.