8 Actors Who Will Ruin Upcoming Films

5. James Corden - Peter Rabbit

Ted Bundy Zack Efron
CBS/Frederick Warne & Co.

James Corden works well enough in small doses: half-hour sitcom episodes, talk shows and the occasion bit part in a Hollywood movie, but nobody wants to hear him voice a CGI rabbit for over an hour, any more than they want to hear him repeat that Harvey Weinstein joke which rightly landed him in hot water.

It's bad enough Peter Rabbit seems to go against everything the original Beatrix Potter books stood for. They were simple, heartwarming allegories for youngsters, while the movie is about a bunch of creatures holding the animal equivalent of Project X.

Perhaps this could be overlooked as a modern spin on the source material if its heart ends up being in the right place come the end credits, but Corden, with his over-the-top, slightly smarmy delivery, condemns it to failure.

Peter is supposed to be cute and endearing, but after hearing Corden rabbiting on for 90 minutes, nobody will care if he ends up as the filling for a farmer's pie.

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Zac Efron
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