8 Alternative Wolverine Movie Costumes We Wish We Could've Seen

2. X-Force Wolverine

Wolverine Costumes

"I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do isn't very nice."

This famous line of Wolverine's has never been better exemplified by his appearance than in his X-Force uniform.

X-Force is a superhero team comprised primarily of mutants and/or X-Men, with one key difference to the aforementioned group - they have no qualms with killing. Featuring the likes of Wolverine, X-23, Deadpool, Psylocke, Fantomex, and a rotating cast of other characters, they're basically the black-ops branch of the X-Men.

This idea is perfectly reflected in Wolverine's X-Force costume, which contains glowing red eyes that pierce through the dark grey and black outfit. Unlike most of the other costumes on this list, this one actually has a chance (albeit an incredibly slim one) of appearing on screen.

Despite Jackman's insistence that Logan will indeed be his last turn as Wolverine, he's always expressed interest in appearing alongside Deadpool in a movie (and has even hinted he'd want to join the Avengers, to no avail), so the opportunity to do so could potentially drag him out of retirement.

Oh and it also happens that an X-Force script is currently in development, with Ryan Reynolds on board to co-write. So there's that.


Alex Wyse hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.