8 Alternative Wolverine Movie Costumes We Wish We Could've Seen

1. Classic Yellow & Blue Wolverine

Wolverine Costumes

Come on, you knew we'd save the best for last.

How is it even possible that this costume hasn't shown up in the movies before? It's been 17 years! Look, I know we got a tease of the iconic tiger-striped uniform at the end of The Wolverine, but if Logan isn't wearing it, it just doesn't count. What's worse is that the tease actually worked. Fans (including myself) were overjoyed at the thought of seeing Wolverine don his classic attire on the big screen, and their hopes have since been utterly dashed.

Why, Fox? Why?

Anyway, I shouldn't have to explain why this is sitting at the top of the list, this is Wolverine. That's it. Imagine being 17 years into a DC franchise having never seen Superman in his iconic red and blue spandex. That, in a nutshell, is what we're dealing with here.

Despite all the costumes mentioned previously in this list, Logan's classic tiger-striped outfit always returns, and there's good reason for that: it works. It's become so synonymous with the character at this point that it's just impossible to imagine him without it.

Did we miss any of your favourite Wolverine designs? What's your favourite alternative superhero outfit? Let us know in the comments below!


Alex Wyse hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.