8 Animated Disney Films That Really Shouldn't Be Called Classics

2. Snow White And The Seven Dwarves

Woah there. Put away the pitchforks, stop writing those angry comments and let me explain. Snow White And The Seven Dwarves is without a doubt the most influential animated film ever made. The new animation techniques of 101 Dalmatians and the CGI melding of The Lion King look simplistic next to the equally brave and genius decision to make a feature-length animated movie. People will never forget that, and they really shouldn't. But a film doing something groundbreaking doesn€™t instinctively make a classic. Toy Story may have shook up the world in a manner similar to Snow White almost sixty years later, but what makes that film endure is it€™s script; the characters are believable and the story has real, relatable stakes. Snow White€™s real problem in that area is it€™s titular heroine. The dwarves are purposely simplistic and the Evil Queen is an utter delight, but Snow White is bland. Just letting the plot happen around her, the passive characterisation could be chalked up to sexist hallmarks of the time, but really it€™s just poor writing. Alice was passive too, but she had moments of emotion that reminded us she was a real girl. It is an important piece of cinema history, but as a film taken on its own merits Snow White doesn€™t astound.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.