8 Awesome Movie Crossovers That Need To Happen

2. Avengers/X-Men


Good-guys-fighting-each-other-before-teaming-up-to-beath-the-bad-guy is one of comicdom€™s most cherished and well-loved clichés. Which is why last year€™s Avengers vs. X-Men was such a breath of fresh air; no misunderstandings, no behind the scenes bad guy manipulating events- just two superhero teams beating the hell out of one another, each convinced that they€™re fighting for what€™s right. A vs. X was a great event comic in its own right. But here€™s why a movie featuring the Avengers duking it out with the X-Men would be nothing short of awesome in three little words: Hulk vs. Wolverine. I know, I know, Logan is an Avenger in the comics these days, but for the average Joe cinemagoer, he will now and forever be an X-Man. And who wouldn€™t pay good money to see Marvel€™s two most hair-trigger tempers explode at the same time? Snikt! vs. Smash! Need I go on? While the Hope Summers/Mutant Messiah storyline of the comic book would clearly be far too complex to be made into a movie, the same core premise could be easily adapted using a more recognizable mutant- say, Rogue. In a nutshell: Rogue€™s powers are raging out of control, the Avengers see her as a huge potential security threat and need to take her into protective custody while the X-Men firmly believe that they can take care of their own. The script practically writes itself. Awesomeness Level: 9.5/10
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I'm 34 years old, live in New Delhi (India) and spend most of my time reading comics, listening to obnoxiously loud metal and playing with my dog (who does not like the obnoxiously loud metal). I work in advertising, though I use the term 'work' very loosely. Being a child of the 80s & 90s, I love cheesy hair metal, cheesy TV shows featuring talking cars and cheesy action movies. I also love different types of cheese, Gouda being a particular favourite. I've been collecting comic books since I was 7 and am a fan boy par excellence. Don't judge me.