8 Awesome Potential MCU Crossovers That Could Happen

7. Spider-Man/ The Defenders

Punisher Ghost Rider

When It Could Happen: Unlikely to occur in next summer's Spider-Man: Homecoming, so either a cameo in the first season of The Defenders, a second season if there will be one, or most likely the third or fourth Avengers film.

This crossover seems unlikely due to the division between the Film and TV departments, but Spider-Man is a bit of an oddity himself, appearing in MCU movies but still with Sony. With Iron Man featuring heavily in what is technically a Sony film, anything is possible since all five heroes live in New York, and there's clearly not an issue with MCU characters appearing in a film distributed by Sony.

The issue would seem to be kids watching Spider-Man, and looking into the shows where Daredevil and Luke Cage originate from. But a crossover like this leaves the door open for Tom Holland's wallcrawler to cross paths with Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin.

Surely it's worth the risk of a few scarred childhoods...

Even an appearance from minor character from the Netflix shows would be a possibility. If Spider-Man takes down a lowly crook who looks an awful lot like show-hopping fan favourite Turk, it's not going to distract a regular audience member.

If Peter Parker needs to be patched up by a trustworthy nurse, or represented by affordable lawyers, or needs a Private Investigator to help him out, there are worse suggestions than The Defenders...


Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding