8 Awful Movie Moments DC Wants You To Forget

6. The Fact The Joker Was Nothing But A Marketing Tool - <span Style="font-size: 17.55px;">Suicide Squad</span>

Batman Forever Crotch
Warner Bros.

Seriously, what the hell happened to Suicide Squad? I don't think anybody truly expected it to be the greatest DC movie of all time or anything (though it's hard to tell who is being sincere and who isn't when the hype train leaves the station). Nevertheless, the finished product was an utter mess of a film, and The Joker - whom audiences had been deeply sold on through press and promotional materials - was almost entirely absent.

What was that about? Seriously, it was impossible to go a whole week in the months leading up to Suicide Squad's release without hearing about how Jared Leto sent his co-workers a live rat, used condoms or a dead hog. It just became annoying, a clear attempt to wash Heath Ledger's performance from audiences minds through irritating extremity.

And then, as if all that other stuff wasn't enough, The Joker was barely even in the film, used to market it while appearing for little more than ten minutes of screen time. A super nice way to treat fans and audiences for sure.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.