8 Bad Movie Franchises And How To Fix Them
2. Alien - Stop With The Xenomorph Origin Story
What's The Problem? Sometimes a bit of mystery can keep an audience suspended - even after over forty years. While many fans would appreciate a bit of backstory for the Xenomorphs, the take on the origins of the aliens has become so convoluted they don't exist as an infectious, chaotic monster anymore.
Like the zombies in The Walking Dead, they've become ancillary threats to another being's agenda, which makes the titular aliens just a little less threatening.
What's The Solution? Alien: Covenant felt like a step in the right direction as it told the story of a new crew on board a ship and heading to new worlds undiscovered.
Where it started to fall apart was its direct connection to the abysmal Prometheus, and even worse - dug deeper into the origins of the Xenomorphs and the inclusion of the Engineers' plotline.
To fix the franchise, the films need to move more towards an anthology narrative and tell the story of completely separate crews encountering and fending off the aliens in varied ways.
Have a space cruise ship become infested with the aliens, and ill-equipped tourists have to fend them off. What about a teen horror where it's Academy/School Kids on their way back from space training, and have one last (fateful) party on Origae-6?
If nothing else, can we stop with the varied mutated strains of Xenomorphs! The pale humanoids, and tentacle beasts are too much in a world when hissing, oil-black dribblers are already terrifying enough.