8 Ball-Busting Scenes That Leave All Men Crossing Their Legs

6. Snakes On A Plane €“- Taking A Leak

New Line Cinema

Snakes On A Plane was a joke that went too far. It started in earnest, with a second-half-of-Alien style based of some elements of truth. Enter the Internet and the bonkers working title had people in a furore at the delicious B-Movie potential. Of course, as with every film that stringently tries to be a B-Movie, it failed, with the only part of the hype living on Samuel L. Jackson'€™s infamous line.

It makes this list, however, thanks to one of its numerous moments of outlandish violence. It may not be as expertly directed as Psycho€™'s shower scene, but it certainly will have the same disturbing effect as it, leaving you (no matter your gender) checking the toilet bowl.

Early on in the carnage, one of the plane's many expendable victims visits the lavatory and has a snake attached in the most painful of places. Not the most likeable guy, we€™re not too sad to see him go, but the sheer horror of imagining something clasping down on your own snake sticks with you long after the film has been forgotten.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.