8 Ball-Busting Scenes That Leave All Men Crossing Their Legs

5. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang €“ Electroshock Treatment

Warner Bros. Pictures

They may be better known for working together on Iron Man 3, but eight years before the Mandarin Shane Black and Robert Downey, Jr. made a movie with even more energetic style. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was, among other things, a tongue in cheek exploration of Hollywood it proved instrumental in getting star Downey Jr. the role of Tony Stark, which in turn paved the way for Black taking the Iron Man 3 job (talk about full circle).

Chock full of sharply written and visual exciting sequences, it€™'s a shocking (sadly, the pun was intended) torture scene that makes this list. Tied up with electrodes attached to where nothing should ever be clamped following a winding plot that there isn'€™t time to explain here, Gay Perry (a brilliant Val Kilmer) devises an escape plan that involves poor Harry (Downey Jr.) having to suffer repeated electric shocks.

Maybe it'€™s the look on Harry€™'s face, in agony and confused why his friend is putting him through this, or the cold lighting of the scene, but this never fails to leave us cringing in sympathy.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.