8 Batsh*t Crazy Theories For The Plots Of Marvel's Phase 4

8. Enter Galactus

Back in 2012, the rights to Daredevil reverted to Marvel Studios but before that became official, Kevin Feige offered 20th Century Fox the chance to keep the Man Without Fear in exchange for Fantastic Four characters Galactus and the Silver Surfer. Clearly sensing that Marvel knew they could make more money from those two than Daredevil (the success of the Netflix series may have proved both wrong), they refused. However, following the dismal failure of the Fantastic Four reboot and Marvel allowing Fox to launch X-Men TV shows revolving around the Hellfire Club and Legion, a popular theory has emerged that Feige may have finally found a way to bring those two into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If that's the case, revealing them as a new threat at the end of Avengers: Infinity War is pretty much a guarantee following Thanos' defeat. Assuming we get at least two Avengers movies in Phase 4, it would actually be a mistake to use Galactus and the Silver Surfer in either of those. Instead, Marvel should take the same slow burn approach as they did with Thanos. However, it would make perfect sense for the Surfer to show up in the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie or to arrive at the end of Phase 4 as a herald setting up Galactus' impending arrival in Phase 5...
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MCU Phase 4
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