8 Best Batman Movie Villains You Didn't Get To See

3. Annette Bening's Catwoman

Annette Benning Catwoman
DC Comics

The Film: Batman Returns

It's hard to think now that anyone but Michelle Pfeiffer could have played Tim Burton's Catwoman (particularly given Halle Berry's struggles to take on the mantle), but she wasn't the first choice for the role.

Back when Tim Burton was casting, actors as diverse as Jennifer Jason Leigh and Cher were considered with the hype around the role growing so large that Sean Young famously made a bit of a spectacle of herself when she turned up at Burton's offices unannounced in her own Catsuit demanding an audition.

Eventually, the role went to Annette Bening, who would have been excellent - if wildly different to Pfeiffer's purring seductress - but she was forced to pull out when it turned out she was pregnant. She'd even got to the costume fittings and rehearsals stage before being forced to drop out.


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