8 Best Deleted Combat Scenes From MCU Movies

6. The Cop With Chitauri Weaponry (The Avengers)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhV6QZfbcs0 There's a cool scene in The Avengers when Captain America tells the police chief what the best course of action is regarding getting civilians to safety. The cop doesn't see why he should take instructions from the hero - that is until Cap single-handedly takes out several armed Chitauri warriors, prompting him to do exactly as instructed. This deleted scene follows directly on from that, as Cap throws one of the weapons he had disarmed an alien of towards another police officer. The officer uses it and instructs his colleagues to do the same if they can get their hands on the alien guns. Subsequently, there's more deleted Chitauri action. It's pretty fun, but it wouldn't really add anything to the movie that wasn't in the final version, so you can definitely see why it was deleted.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.