8 Best Misdirections In Horror Movies

3. Jigsaw Was Right There With Them - Saw

Saw Jigsaw

While some of the sequels served as fantastic elaborations on the original movie, and some of the sequels were outright awful, that first Saw is a modern-day horror masterpiece.

Any horror hound worth their salt is now well aware of Tobin Bell's John Kramer, aka the Jigsaw Killer, but that first film had an utterly shocking final act that completely swerved its audience.

After Cary Elwes' Lawrence and Leigh Whannell's Adam have spent so long playing the tormented and twisted games of this mysterious Jigsaw, the cat is finally out of the bag that the Jigsaw Killer is in fact Michael Emerson's Zep Hindle.

Adam beats Zep to death with a toilet lid, and all is momentarily well with the world. Well, bar the ankle stings of Lawrence and the mental torture suffered by the duo. But wait, what's that? Why, Zep actually wasn't Jigsaw. No, Jigsaw is revealed to be the 'corpse' that had been lying between Lawrence and Adam this entire time.

Much like The Sixth Sense, Saw is a movie that had its biggest twist out in front of the camera the whole time - and none of us were even aware of it.

To say that Saw was a game-changer in the horror genre is no overstatement, with that 2004 picture - itself based on a short film from Whannell and James Wan - ushering in a new style and tone for horror.

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Saw Horror
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Senior Writer

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