8 Brilliant Film Cameos From Characters In Completely The Wrong Series

6. The Droids - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Indy The first of several Star Wars references on this list (showing just what an effect it€™s had on popular culture, if nothing else) is one of the most high profile. When Indy€™s retrieving the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, you can clearly see R2-D2 and C-3PO amongst the hieroglyphs in the background. Given the influence George Lucas had on the Indy series it€™s not too surprising to see the duo pop up and is often chalked up as a simple easter egg, but when coupled with a non-canon (not officially part of the Star Wars story) comic book it suddenly creates a fascinating fan theory. In the short €˜tale€™ Into The Great Unknown Han and Chewie make a blind hyperspace jump and end up in a galaxy not so far away, eventually crash landing on Earth. Clashing with some Native Americans, Han is killed, leaving Chewie to become a Big Foot-like legend. What€™s of real interest is the ending, where Indiana Jones and Short Round discover the Millennium Falcon and Solo€™s remains, providing a link between the two mythologies. Could R2 and 3PO have had a similar misadventure and (in a case similar to Endor) become ingrained in Egyptian culture?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.