8 Brilliant Film Cameos From Characters In Completely The Wrong Series

5. Belle - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Belle Like Pixar, Disney films (particularly those from the nineties resurgence) are chock full of references to the mouse house€™s illustrious back catalogue. We get Sebastian appearing in Aladdin and Scar as a throw rug in Hercules, but these are both very knowing gags. No, what makes Disney deserve a place on this list when Pixar doesn€™t is an example that is brilliantly suggestive (but ultimately false). During Out There in The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, the camera pans over Paris and gives us not one but three cameos; there's Pumba all trussed up, the magic carpet from Aladdin draped over a Parisian€™s arm and Belle (obviously from The Beauty And Beast) out shopping. Pumba's is clearly a joke and the carpet could easily be any old purple throw rug, but Belle seems to be (incorrectly) pointing at an overarching Disney continuity. Both Hunchback and Beast are set in France and the suggestion by many fans is that this is moment the stories crossover, a myth quickly debunked when you remember the two films are set over two hundred years apart. You can still imagine an animator putting her in thinking he was being really smart.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.