8 Burning Questions We Have After Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

1. Is Jurassic World 3 The End Of The Franchise?

Jurassic World Indoraptor
Universal Pictures

Ignoring the possible fate of The Lost World, at the end of Fallen Kingdom there aren’t many dinosaurs left in the world. Furthermore, the few ones remaining are a big threat to the public and could possibly be shot very quickly. The Indoraptor or I-Rex could take a few bullets, but a regular guy with a shotgun could easily kill the world’s only remaining T-Rex.

Even if somehow the dinosaurs were recaptured and sent to Lockwood’s proposed sanctuary, they’re not going to be able to breed, and the few carnivores will easily pick off the last couple of herbivores and then starve.

Since 2008, Jurassic Park III director Joe Johnston stated that the fourth movie, which eventually became Jurassic World, would be the first part of a trilogy. In 2016, before it had even got a title, J.A. Bayona confirmed that Fallen Kingdom would be the second movie of the Jurassic World trilogy. So no matter what happens, the next movie will be the conclusion of that trilogy - but will it conclude the entire franchise? Will dinosaurs once again go extinct and Jurassic Park finally be over?

Fallen Kingdom feels like it’s setting up the last part of a saga, an all-or-nothing gambit for the future of the dinosaurs. Except, with the stakes where they are now, there is no way the dinosaurs can conceivably survive it. No dinosaurs, no franchise.

After Fallen Kingdom proved that there aren’t many places for the franchise to go, maybe that’s for the best.


Freelance writer. Loves videogames, movies, comic books, and is inexplicably drawn to videogame movies.