8 Burning Questions We Have After Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

2. What Happened To Isla Sorna?

Jurassic World Indoraptor

Isla Nublar is the main island of the Jurassic Park series, and home to both Park and World. It was wiped clean by a volcano in Fallen Kingdom, so the series won’t be returning there any time soon. However, it is not the only island in the movies - or books. Since original author Michael Crichton created Site B for his Jurassic Park sequel The Lost World in 1995, Isla Sorna was the home of the franchise until Jurassic World returned to Nublar in 2015.

Sorna got name-checked in Fallen Kingdom by Sir Lockwood, right before he talked about rehoming the Jurassic World dinosaurs on a new island sanctuary. Was he talking about Sorna? Jurassic Park III certainly established The Lost World as off-limits and given over entirely to the dinosaurs, which would seem a perfect home for the former zoo animals, but the way Lockwood described Sorna as a failure like Nublar suggests he wasn’t referring to it.

Which begs the question then: what did happen to Isla Sorna? If it still exists why didn’t Lockwood simply tell Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas-Howard) that they would be taking the animals to Sorna, since she’d clearly heard of it? And if not, why not? Did The Lost World also receive some similar sort of God-scrubbing, or did InGen take all the dinosaurs to live on Jurassic World? Hopefully the next movie will tell us exactly what happened to Site B, especially considering it was the home of the franchise for 20 years.


Freelance writer. Loves videogames, movies, comic books, and is inexplicably drawn to videogame movies.