I was twelve years old when Batman Forever came out in theaters. This was in the dark ages before everybody had the Internet, so I didnt even know this movie was being made until I saw the poster, and I was ridiculously excited about it. Batman Returns was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and I made my parents buy me almost everything that had Batmans name on it back thentoys, video games, comics, clothes, if it was related to Batman, I probably had it and I watched Batman: The Animated Series religiously. When I actually saw the movie, I loved it. Again, I was twelve, what did I know at the time? I thought it was great that we finally got to see Robin on the big screen and I thought Jim Carrey was totally entertaining as the Riddler. But as I got older, I started to realize that although I still loved Batman and Batman Returns, Batman Forever was just really bad. Unfortunately, it didnt have to be. The story goes that there was a huge backlash to Batman Returns, which was perceived to be a movie for children and parents complained about how it was too scary. McDonalds pulled their endorsement for the movie and Warner Bros ordered director Tim Burton to lighten up the third movie. He refused, so they replaced him with Joel Schumacher. And what we got waswell, youve all seen it (if you havent count yourself lucky). But if I had access to a time machine, there are ways it could be fixed.