8 Cheap Tricks Hollywood Uses to Get Your Money

6. From the Producer that Brought You€

There€™s substance to the informing us that a new movie was directed by someone who directed something else that was popular €“ you can know something about a film going in if you€™re familiar with its director€™s body of work. But why do I give even the remotest of shits about who produced it? It€™s of my understanding that a producer is mainly employed to secure and allocate finance, and to act as a sort of liaison between a director and a studio. You know, they€™re those guys with expensive cocaine habits that try to keep both parties happy, but invariably end up pissing both off. Excuse me, but what does the fact that a movie has the producers of 300 involved tell me about it, really? It tells me that the film had funding, which is a given considering I€™m looking at a poster of it in a cinema; and it tells me€ well, nothing else whatsoever about the quality. If anything, seeing €˜From the Producers of€€™ on a movie poster should make you want to see it less. If they€™re promoting the Producers, that usually means there€™s little else of note within. It€™s a cheap trick that works all too often and remember, if you go and see it, that means YOU are responsible for the sequel.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.