8 Cheap Tricks Hollywood Uses to Get Your Money

2. Modern Promo Poster Marketing

Have you ever heard the phrase €˜the first bite is with the eyes€™? Well the very same principal applies with film. You use more than one sense when you watch a movie; sight and sound both play huge a huge part in the realm of the physical, but in the realms of the mental you€™re also using an innate ability to perceive and understand things like subtext, dialogue quality, performances. A lot goes in to how you view a film, which is why making a film itself is so difficult. However, about a fraction of that goes into the viewing a movie poster, which is why it€™s possible to make a movie look awesome from its promo material, even if how bad it actually is is bordering on an affront to mankind. Modern movie marketing is manipulative to a degree you wouldn€™t believe. Just take a look at this poster: You might think: €œYeah, that looks awesome, 3 guys and the obligatory girl using guns to dispense justice. And one of them is Samuel L. Jackson!€ Here€™s what you€™ll think afterwards: €œGod, that movie was so bad, I might willingly gouge my own eyes out with a teaspoon when I get home€. It€™s funny how something as inanimate as a poster can influence our decision to pay our money, but it really can and Hollywood knows this all to well. I can practically hear the Studio exec setting the brief for the designer who made the above poster. I imagine it goes a little something like: €œMake sure every star we€™ve got is on there looking pissed off so we can appeal to each fan base. And make sure there are guns on it, plenty of guns. Kids like guns right?€ Yes, kids do like guns. But you already knew that.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.