8 Cheap Tricks Hollywood Uses to Get Your Money

1. Casting Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson is one of the highest grossing African American actors around and he€™s been in some truly great movies - Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, to name just a few. While it may be true that he can be awesome, given the right script and the right director, that doesn€™t mean for a second that any movie he€™s inserted haphazardly into is going to be quite as hard hitting. Basically, just because Jackson is attached to the cast, it doesn€™t mean a movie called €˜Snakes on a Plane€™ is going to be any less f*cking ridiculous than it sounds. But still, every year it feels like 5 movies get made that expect us to bank entirely on Jackson€™s pervious success. Sometimes this is relatively off the radar and inoffensive; see, Snakes on a Plane, S.W.A.T, xXx, The Spirit, amongst others. Sometimes it€™s a huge deal, and helped to rob audiences everywhere of their hard earned disposable income; see, Star Wars, Episodes I, II and III. Of course, I€™m using Jackson as an example. This phenomenon is rife in Hollywood; Clooney gets involved, so does Will Ferrell, so does John Cusack, the list goes on. A silly movie is a silly movie. Don€™t believe Hollywood when they say it isn€™t just because there€™s a recognisable name attached. So there are just 8 of the innumerable ways that Hollywood slips their hand into your wallet when you€™re not looking. 9 times out of 10, your ass was put in that seat as a result of a promise that won€™t be kept. Need to vent? Know of any more ways Hollywood lures you in? Do let us know!
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.