8 Classic Trilogies That Almost Turned Out Completely Different

5. Transformers Could Not Have Had Bay

TransformersThe Films You Know: You know a film€™s bad when both it's director and star disown it, admitting to dropping the ball. And you know a director and star are only in it for the money when they make a sequel to said film that is just as bad. And you know a director has no shame when he returns to the series for a fourth time. At least the actor dropped out. Michael Bay€™s Transformer series is one of the most maligned in blockbuster history, despised by critics, yet somehow a consistent box office success. The Films That Almost Happened: After each critical bashing, Bay seemed ready to jump ship. While Shia LaBeouf (the above actor) was contractually obliged to star in a third, the director had no such commitment and announced he€™d be leaving after Revenge Of The Fallen. But being a man who also said Megatron wouldn't appear in that mess of a sequel, of course he was back. Then after Dark Of The Moon once again he was going to leave. Now we€™re sat waiting for his fourth Transformers. Iron Man showed that robots on robots can work on screen, so the possibilities of one without Bay has been a coveted thing fans still have to long for.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.