8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

8. No X In The Fox Logo

A neat little easter egg running through all the X-Men movies is a slight adjustment of the 20th Fox fanfare: as the logo fades to black, the "X" in Fox stays illuminated . X, X-Men - geddit? It's just a cool little tradition (and was nicely homaged in Fant4stic, with the "F" staying illuminated, possibly hinting towards a planned crossover we'll thankfully never get to see). It's been a constant throughout the franchise, except for one movie. That's right: Deadpool. Now this may be a side effect of it not being a conventional X-movie - it's got an R-rating and its connection to the world is purposely vague - but to not have it there even though, canonicity aside, he is at the very least still a character from the comics points towards something a little more resolute; it's a subtle reaffirmation this isn't an out-and-out mutant movie
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.