8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

7. Russian Colossus

Even though Daniel Cudmore, who played Peter Rasputin in X-2, The Last Stand and Days Of Future Past, declined an offer to return as Colossus, it was decided that the metallic mutant would still appear in Deadpool. Now that may seem like something that points towards a positive connection - there was a desire to bring back a previous actor into the world. However, that wouldn't explain the totally different characterisation of the hero. The version of Colossus in Deadpool is much closer to his comic iteration, with a bigger, muscular build and the traditional Russian accent. And, according to tweets from Cudmore, the reason he turned down the role was because he was just offered mo-cap work, with his voice dubbed; this sounds like even when the established actor was asked the plan was still to have a different take on the character. So Cudmore being approached may just have been a courtesy - an offer done because it would be rude not to, but one that it didn't really matter if it wasn't accepted.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.