8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

1. The Timeline Issue

The ultimate reason why Deadpool would seem to exist within its own reality is that it doesn't fit into the timeline. Days Of Future Past went to great lengths to fix all the continuity hiccups created over the previous films and rewrite a more free canon, but it didn't come without its own set of confusing points. The biggest is Wade Wilson, who worked as a mercenary with Wolverine in the Vietnam War before becoming "Deadpool" (quotes very much needed) in Origins: Wolverine. Now, this version of the character will have been born before the 1973 events of Days Of Future Past, meaning a pre-transformation Wade Wilson is running about in the new X-Men timeline. However, in Deadpool Wade is the same age in the modern day and transformed through a totally different experiment to Weapon X. If Deadpool is in the X-continuity, then that implies there's two mercs with quite a mouth on them out there at various points in history. We could, of course, presume that Bryan Singer and co. are willingly ignoring everything from the ill-fated Logan spin-off, whether it was obliquely written out of continuity or not, but that takes a major leap; if Deadpool is in the X-Men universe, then we have a whopping plot hole here. Do you think Deadpool is in the X-Men universe? Or will Fox keep the two franchises separate? Share your thoughts down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.