8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

2. No Weapon X

Although the program by which Wade Wilson is transformed into a "superhero" fits many of the comic prerequisites of Weapon X - shady organisation, sadistic scientist, destructive end - it's never named as such in the movie, and is established as being notably distinct to the experiments of Stryker seen in X-2 and Origins: Wolverine (implied to have existed in some form in the new timeline). The main purpose of this is presumably to allow for Deadpool to be set in the modern day (Weapon X is a seventies concoction), although that was never a problem in the comic continuity; Deadpool was born out of a later resurgence of the program, rather than being linked to Wolverine as in Origins. So there's a more conscious refusal to have the Weapon X program referenced directly in the film, which could easily be to ensure there's as few direct links between the timelines as possible so there's no fan expectation of a link.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.