8 Crazy Movie Sequels That Almost Happened That We Just Found Out About

7. Degrassi: The Movie (Degrassi)

Bruce Almighty Brucifer Jim Carrey
Entertainment One

When most people think of Degrassi, they may think of Drake in a wheelchair, but they definitely don't think of Kevin Smith, despite the fact that he and Jay and Silent Bob co-star Jason Mewes cameoed in three episodes of Degrassi: The Next Generation back in 2005.

While Smith was interested in directing a Degrassi film around this time, nothing came to fruition. However, he recently gave an interview to Screen Rant revealing that he had fleshed out and scripted plans for a movie with writer Linda Schuyler, long before either of the two Degrassi feature films, Degrassi Goes Hollywood (2009) and Degrassi Takes Manhattan (2010) had ever been thought of.

Degrassi: The Movie would have centered on Drake's character Jimmy Brooks -- a high school basketball star who had been wheelchair-bound ever since a shooting in season four -- getting up and walking again. Although elements of the film script were incorporated into future episodes of the television series, nothing could compare to a Kevin Smith-directed Degrassi, which would have carried the director's humour, style and maybe even have enticed auidiences who weren't fans of the show.


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