8 Crazy Romantic Gestures In Movies (That Would Never Happen In Real Life)

6. Before Sunset

BeforeSunset Obviously, you are gearing up for the highly anticipated (I didn't even know it existed until I started researching for this article) third installment in this series, "Before Midnight: because Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy can't get enough of budget-less indies." Anyway, you're in luck because it's coming out this month (woo). But regardless of your opinion of the films, you'd probably do well not to imitate the main characters. Nothing says, "I'm a pathetic sap who can't get over one night I spent with a stranger" like writing a book about it 9 years later. Then again, maybe the object of your affection will randomly wander into the tiny Parisian bookstore hosting your international book tour and you'll be reunited for one more day. But probably not.

Hayley Swinson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.